As an academically credible and credentialed institution, the ACCS community will draw on your current understandings, grow your knowledge base and hone your skills. Through extensive Bible studies, we aim to further the Kingdom of God by building your faith and equipping you with theological knowledge and practical tools of growth.
Our courses are known for their biblical interpretation and theological depth. We encourage rigour, self-examination and the willingness to be challenged. There are no theological blinkers allowed at ACCS so you will graduate with the confidence of having tested the rationale behind your beliefs, as well as the humility to acknowledge where ‘grey’ topics exist.
Our staff also build into students’ lives by guiding and counselling them as they prepare to share the love of Jesus with our broken world. We believe that the foundation of God’s word centres on mission, and that the church is called to prepare the world for the return of Jesus Christ.
If you are challenged by the diversity of worldviews and dogma that compete for a Christian’s attention; if you’d like to help yourself and others navigate that challenge competently and faithfully, then Theology sounds like a specialisation for you.
Our courses in Theology are multi-tiered, ranging from certificate courses to a Masters degree.
What You Get
Academically credentialled degrees
Available online or in-class

Undergraduate Certificate in Biblical Studies
One trimester undergraduate degree
Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology
VET level studies
Diploma of Theology
Two trimesters of Biblical and Theological Studies
Bachelor of Theology
Two years of study
Postgraduate Studies
Study our Master of Arts (Theology),
Master of Divinity or Master of Theology